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Frequently Ask Questions
What do you expect of me as an agent (aka member)?
  • CONTRIBUTE, CONTRIBUTE, And CONTRIBUTE: The only way this site will continue to provide value to you, is if you contribute your own experiences (aka Encounters) with technology. This will increase the amount of content within this site, making it more valuable to each and every member.
  • Provide feedback: We have provided several mechanisms for providing your opinions on the quality and usefulness of the information presented.  Please take a moment to provide your feedback, so we and your fellow members know if the content/site is considered valuable.
  • Stay positive: Please do not post any negative, belittling or rude submissions on this site.
  • Keep it clean: We need your help to keep this site’s content as safe and useable. Since others will submit the majority of the content, we need you to help in removing anything that may violate our Site Policies.  Most areas will have a tool to flag content as either good (adhere to site policies) or bad (violates site policies).
  • Maintenance: Although we have done our best to keep the site running smooth and free from error, it is inevitable that issues will pop up for you.  If it does, we ask that you contact us via the Contact Us section.  Let us know what’s broke and we will do our best to fix it!
  • Suggest a feature or service: You may think the mission statement is good, but the site is missing some aspect that would make it perfect for your use.  If you have such a suggestion, please let us know.  If we use it, we will add your name to the Contributors Page.
  • Spread the word: Tell others about the site. As you travel the Internet, you will visit various sites, forums, blogs, etc and we ask that you let others know of the site.  As our user base grows, so does the potential contributors – which hopefully makes the database more diverse and useful to you.
  • Donations: As our missions statement implies, we designed this site to be as free as possible for those who wish to share their experiences with technology.  But with all great things comes a cost, and we would appreciate any donation you can provide to help us fund the continued maintenance, upgrades and recurring fees to host this site.

What concepts drive this website?
  • AREAS: Like the famous Area 51, our site has a variety of secrets to uncover. Each “area” groups similar or related content on this site into categories, making it easier to search and contribute information.
  • REPORTS: When a member submits a report, they are posting information regarding a specific area of technology that may provide value to other members.  These reports maybe related to products, errors, bugs, logs, patches and more as this site develops.
  • ENCOUNTERS: No - it’s not some risque, late night “thing”.  On this website, an “encounter” is an experience with technology, one had by a member of this website. Those experiences can range from positive, “hey this fixed all my issues” to negative, “hey this caused me hours and hours of work… and I still don’t have it fixed!”  It would be great if a posted “encounter” referenced a solution (such as: I got this error, here’s how I fixed it).  But a solution is not the only thing important.  Consider this, if you had a negative experience with a software patch, but had no resolution, it would still be worthwhile to post your negative comments, that way the patch doesn’t impact others in the same manner.  Also, others may be able to provide you with information how to fix your unresolved issues.
  • What is with this Alien/Special Agent theme? Well… Encounters, Areas, Technology - it just screams aliens, don’t you think?

How do I use this website?
  • This website is constructed with helpful tips and how-to instructions on the majority of pages
  • The basics on using this website include:
    • Create a free membership and become an “AGENT”
    • Use the HOME page’s Quick Search to scan the site for Reports that fit your query
    • Use the different “Areas” to focus your search or to contribute your own Encounters
    • If you debrief (aka read) another member’s Encounter, please take a moment to rate it
    • If you wish to track updates made on your or another agent’s report, use the Alerts tab.

What Internet browsers work with this website?
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 & 8
  • Chrome 4.1
  • Safari 4
  • Firefox 3.6

Do you accept links?
  • You may link to any of our HTML pages without asking permission.
  • 'Link Exchange' requests will be refused unless it is from a business partner.

What language do you support?
  • This website’s content will be in English.

Can you provide technical support?
  • Please do not contact us to resolve any technical issues, unless those issues specifically involve the use of this website.
  • If you are having issues with this site, please:
    • Verify that your computer meets with tested browsers listed above.
    • If you do have a tested browser, use the Contact Us section to reach us and we will do our best to work with you to resolve your issue.  We cannot guarantee any specific time frames for when we will be able to address any issue you experience.

Why does this site have advertisements?
  • In order to keep this site as free as possible, we will provide advertisement space in various locations.  If you are interested in utilizing our advertising space, please use the Contact Us page.
  • Our site utilizes advertisements as a way to offset the cost of creating, maintaining and hosting this website. As annoying as ads can sometimes be, it is far better than charging our user base a subscription fee. 
  • We will do our best to screen all advertisements and restrict any that are offensive or overly intrusive.

How will you protect my account information?
  • Please see the Privacy link at the bottom of this website.

What is your Privacy Policy?
  • Please see the Privacy link at the bottom of this website.